Acronyms & Abbreviations
There are quite a few places where I have had to resort to using abbreviations or acronyms in these pages or it can all get a bit too wordy! So here is a list of them for you to remind yourself of what they stand for;
I've also tried to differentiate better between free and subscription sources on various paged with the following labels in dark red after the link;
- AaI Ask about Ireland
- BMDs Births, Marriages & Deaths
- BNA British Newspaper Archive
- CoI Church of Ireland
- CIGO Council of Irish Genealogical Organisations
- CWGC Commonwealth War Graves Commission
- DCL&A Dublin City Library & Archives
- DIPPAM Documenting Ireland: Parliament, People & Migration
- DTCAGSM Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport & Media
- FIBIS Families in British India Society
- FS (LDS website)
- GROI General Register Office of Ireland
- GRONI General Register Office of Northern Ireland
- IFHC Irish Family History Centre
- IFHF Irish Family History Foundation
- IG Irish Geneaography
- IGP Irish Genealogical Projects
- IGRS Irish Genealogical Research Society
- IMC Irish Manuscripts Commission
- JAPMDI Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead in Ireland
- LDS Latter Day Saints i.e. Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormon Church
- OCR Optical Character Recognition
- OSI Ordnance Survey Ireland
- NAI National Archives of Ireland
- NIPNP Northern Ireland Place Names Project
- NLI National Library of Ireland
- NLS National Library of Scotland
- PRAI Property Registration Authority of Ireland
- PRONI Public Records Office of Northern Ireland
- RC Roman Catholic
- RCB Representative Church Body (in Ireland) i.e. Church of Ireland administration
- RCBL RCB Library located in Braemor Park, Dublin
- RIA Royal Irish Academy
- SP ScotlandsPeople
- TCD Trinity College Dublin
- UCD University College Dublin
I've also tried to differentiate better between free and subscription sources on various paged with the following labels in dark red after the link;
- (Anc=£) = Ancestry worldwide subscription required to access Irish records
- (FMP=£) = Find My Past worldwide subscription required to access Irish records or dedicated subscription to
(c) Irish Geneaography - 2023