Every time I clicked on the 228 it took me straight to the "Buy a Subscription" page? Contacting their customer support went something like this ...
Me: "Why can't I use my remaining free searches"?
IFHF: "We are replacing our old pay-per-view system with a subscription service. As part of that process, any pay-per-view accounts are b eing closed do wn. You have 0 paid credits remaining and therefore you can no longer view the result pages. You can still search but you cannot view the result pages, you just get counts of records."
Me: "Then why are you confusing me by still displaying 228 free searches as still being available to me?"
IFHF: "I agree with you. The pay-per-view service has run on now for 9 months and that is plenty of time."
Well that told me then! Turns out that I had last bought some credits just over a year ago and this is what decides whether or not any remaining free search pages will work for you, not the 29th September deadline. Nice of the customer support team to explain that to me in such helpful tones .... NOT! I appreciate that the IFHF have invested in getting these transcripts and indexes on-line and need an income to keep the service viable, but if you are going to play with the grown-ups in the subscription world, pay some attention to what your interface actually looks like to the paying public once in a while and do us all a favour and send your customer support team back to charm school.