County Kerry Church of Ireland Parish Records Finder
Co. Kerry does not have any representation online through RootsIreland but there are quite a lot of records on the excellent Irish Genealogy free site. There are records online for 2 parishes - Kenmare and Kilgarvan (names in blue and underlined.) If you want some great examples of parishes named for their churches, check out all the CoI parishes below that start with Kil-!
For help using this spreadsheet, see "Church of Ireland Parish Records Finder" Also, please be patient, it may take a few seconds more than you think to load, but hopefully it's worth the wait!
For help using this spreadsheet, see "Church of Ireland Parish Records Finder" Also, please be patient, it may take a few seconds more than you think to load, but hopefully it's worth the wait!
(c) Irish Geneaography - 2020