Store Cupboard
This website was born out of the desire to organise all my Irish genealogical bookmarks into a more structured format and so have them all readily to hand when I wanted to do proper joined-up research. Having recently revisited some of those old lists, I realised that I also had quite a few links to broader genealogical sites that were also very useful for Irish research. So, welcome to the Store Cupboard, where I've gathered some of those old favourites together. Just remember the same principles apply as those listed at the top of my Snacks page.
So, when a genealogical recipe calls for a dash of something ubiquitous and not necessarily restricted to an Irish flavour, see if any of these sites can help.
So, when a genealogical recipe calls for a dash of something ubiquitous and not necessarily restricted to an Irish flavour, see if any of these sites can help.
Genealogical Websites - Records and Reference
British Newspapers Archive (BNA)
Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC)
Latin Genealogical Word List
British Newspapers Archive (BNA)
Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC)
Latin Genealogical Word List
(c) Irish Geneaography - 2023